New stockist: Artisan Queensland
I will be stocking a range of a hop and a skip pieces exclusive to Artisan, including bumbags, hats and tote bags made from vintage and up-cycled materials. Plus there is a whole world of craft to discover, from ceramics and textile art to jewelry and woodwork, each with its own story to tell.
Meet the maker
I am Laura, the woman behind a hop and a skip. Being a Fashion Designer and Maker is not something I really ever envisioned for myself. And yet, I feel that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
Fashion is not a dirty word
“Fashion matters. To the economy, to society and to each of us personally. Faster than anything else, what we wear tells the story of who we are - or who we want to be"
Frances Corner, Why Fashion Matters
3 lessons I learnt from being a circus performer
Before I dedicated myself to making pretty fashion things, I spent almost 5 years living and working as a freelance circus performer. I stumbled across circus just as I was finishing my uni degree and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.